A story of hope for all jobseekers
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
Have you ever felt like you’re hitting a wall in your job search?
Like no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to budge?
Let me share a story that can give you hope.
It’s about a stonecutter who worked tirelessly every day, chipping away at a massive boulder.
Picture this: he strikes the rock over and over, but it doesn’t budge. Day after day, he puts in the effort, but all he sees is that stubborn boulder just sitting there.
Frustrated and exhausted, he starts to wonder if his hard work is even worth it.
But then, on the 101st strike, something incredible happens—the stone splits clean in half!
It wasn’t just that final blow that did it; it was all the previous strikes that prepared it to break.
This story is a powerful reminder for all of us, especially when we’re navigating the job market.
I know it can feel overwhelming to send out countless resumes and face rejection after rejection.
It’s easy to feel like you’re not making any progress and to think about giving up.
But, every single effort you make is like a strike on that stone.
You might not see the cracks yet, but you’re laying the groundwork for your success.
So, if you’re feeling discouraged, remember that each resume you send, every networking event you attend, and every interview you prepare for is bringing you closer to your goal.
Your breakthrough is just around the corner, and it might be one more effort away.
Keep striking! Your hard work will pay off.
Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh