Suppose this happens in your interview 😲

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

Imagine it’s your final round interview.

The construction workers decide that it’s the perfect day to start hammering in your condo’s balcony.

The VP is asking you questions but you can barely make sense of it.

Your focus goes in for a toss and you try to salvage the interview by saying what you think he has asked, not what he really wanted to know.

You can see VP’s face expression change from warm to a little agitated.

The interview comes to an end. And you know you’ve bombed it.

You are so disappointed.
You don’t feel like coming out of your room.
You went through 8 interview rounds just to end up like this?

Well this is not a hypothetical situation but a true story.
Story of our ninja Mainak.

It gets even more interesting from here...

Mainak could have acted in one of the two ways:

  • Blame his luck for ruining the interview.
    Be sad for a week.
    Lose momentum.
    Gather himself up and start applying again in a few days.

  • Take charge of the situation.
    Fight for the role.
    Believe that he’s still the hero of his story and has the power to turn things around.

Being a true ninja, he chose to do the latter.

He emailed the HR explaining the situation and asked them to take his interview once again.

To his relief, the HR obliged.

This time, he went for the interview in-person.

Answered with full clarity and in alignment with what the VP really needed to know.

Guess what?

He got the job!
An $80K offer with amazing benefits.
At one of the word’s best hospitality company.

Moral of the story:
Winners find a way, losers find an excuse.

Winners write their own story, losers let others dictate their narrative.

Winners take responsibility, losers shift the blame.

Mainak, if you’re reading this, I’m proud of you!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


Arshad Nadeem, Olympic gold & your field job


The superpower that will get you your field job (you already have it)!