This will change the way you think about your career

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
— George Eliot

As a teenager and well into my 20s, I was confused about what to do in life.

Specifically, the career that I wanted for myself.

I used to envy people who had a clear tunnel vision of what they wanted to become.

People who knew without a doubt that they wanted to be doctors.
People who knew that they had to crack IIT JEE.
People who knew that they wanted to become an Engineer - even sure of which one - an Aeronautical Engineer!

I used to coax myself for being a confused soul till a year ago.

What changed?

This didn’t excite me at all (electronics lab stuff) — context below

I had a conversation with Anne, my wise ex-manager about the same.

It was a lightbulb moment for me when she said, “Bani, I don’t think you’re confused. You are just curious!”

I no longer started thinking of my career as an end game but a journey.

A journey that will iterate and open new possibilities for me with every step that I take.

Also, when I was a kid, some jobs didn’t even exist!
Think AI, think social media marketing, think drone operators.

If I look at it in hindsight…

My degree in Engineering paved the path for a Master’s in Management.

It was evident to me due to my negligible interest in the curriculum but active involvement in extra-curricular.

Then my first corporate job as a Project Leader paved my way to switching my career later to Social Media Marketing.

I found it boring and was curious to find an alternative because I was sure that I didn’t want to be bored & miserable for 40 years lol.

A few months into my marketing role, I finally got the bandwidth to think about my next goal as my mind was no longer stuck on finding a better role.

That’s when I decided to transition from a corporate life to that of an entrepreneur.

Although it was not a straight line, but nevertheless it has been a great journey!

What’s the lesson here?

Don’t be too hard on yourself for not having figured it all out.

With time, you will know more about your interests, and things will become clearer to you.

Also, gone are the days when people used to stick to 1 job or 1 role for their entire life as it was unheard of or difficult to switch careers.

So, don’t think that the current or the next role that you choose is going to be the one that takes you to retirement!

The only way to find what you want to do or in fancier terms - your calling is…

  • Keep exploring new things

  • Reflect on things that excite you

  • Take 1 step in that direction

And know that it’s not an overnight process but a lifelong one!

I guess that’s the beauty of life, you never know what’s going to happen next, so it keeps the excitement intact.

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


This is for you if you don’t have time to apply to jobs


A common mistake people make in their job hunt process