This fact will help you beat your jobhunt procrastination

No loss should be more regrettable to us than losing our time, for it’s irretrievable.
— Zeno of Citium

Have you ever stopped to think that you are a miracle?

For you to be born:

The universe had to come into existence with the Big Bang.

From the Big Bang to the formation of stars, planets, and finally Earth, everything had to align perfectly for life to even be possible here.

But that’s just the start. The chance of you being born is mind-blowing:

Genetic Lottery: The odds of your parents meeting, falling in love, and having you are astronomical. Imagine all the generations before you – every single one had to survive and reproduce for you to be here.

Biology: The exact sperm and egg that created you had to meet, out of millions of possibilities.

One in 400 Trillion: Some scientists estimate the odds of any one person being born are about 1 in 400 trillion.

To put things into context, imagine someone asked you to pick 1 number from 1-100 for a winning lottery ticket. You would consider yourself to be super lucky if you picked the right one.

And the probability here is 1/100. That’s 0.01.
Now, the probability of YOU being born is 1/400 trillion ≈0.0000000000000025.

Whoaaa! Can you now realize how lucky you are to be even given this shot at life!

You weren’t born out of all these possibilities just to live an ordinary life.

You didn’t get THIS lucky to just let it all go waste.

And the funny point is that despite all this luck, we all are going to die one day.

So, make this gift, this life COUNT!
You have unique talents, dreams, and potential that the world needs.

The universe worked, despite astronomical odds, to bring you to life.
So, please don’t give up on yourself!

You have so much more in you.
The life you dream of is waiting to be yours.
Only if you start believing in yourself and work towards it.

It took a miracle for you to be born.
The least you can do is to live up to your potential.

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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