You will only fail at getting your field job if…

Optimism doesn’t mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation.

It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise.
— The Dalai Lama

Are you going through a phase in which you feel like the universe is conspiring against you?

Like no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to work out?

You’ve applied to 100s of jobs.
But all you’re getting are rejection emails.

You prepare your best when it comes to interviews.
But you’re never the person hired for the role.

You’re doing your best keeping yourself in good spirit.
But you’re also a human being, there are days when you break down.

When you feel at your lowest, I want you to remember this…

You only lose if you give up.

Here are some stories to give you hope and spark that light back in you:

If Thomas Edison had given up after his 999th attempt at creating a working light bulb, we might still be in the dark.
Instead, he persevered and succeeded on his 1,000th try.

If J.K. Rowling had stopped submitting her manuscript after 12 rejections, we wouldn't have Harry Potter.
She faced rejection after rejection before finally finding a publisher.

If Colonel Sanders had quit after being rejected by 1,009 restaurants, we wouldn't have KFC.
He kept going until he found success.

If Walt Disney had given up after 302 banks rejected his idea for Disneyland, we wouldn't have the happiest place on earth.
He persisted through countless rejections to create the Disney empire.

If Steven Spielberg had given up after being rejected 3 times by USC's School of Cinematic Arts, we wouldn't have some of the greatest films in history.
He persisted and became a legendary filmmaker.

All of them faced enormous challenges and countless rejections, but they got successful because they didn't give up.

They persevered, learned from their failures, and eventually found extraordinary success.

If you give up after applying to let’s say 87 jobs, you might be just 1 or 10 or 100 applications away from your dream job.
The offer letter is waiting for you, you just have to make sure that you don’t give up before that happens!

Every "no" is one step closer to a "yes."

If you give up after receiving rejection emails, you will rob your future self of success, growth, and a wealthy life!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


Don’t be like the bottom 90% of the immigrants


This fact will help you beat your jobhunt procrastination