India, nightmare, and feeling like a failure

Investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
— Benjamin Franklin

Let me take you back to a hot, sunny North Indian day back in 2015.

It was the day when I had a nightmare in broad daylight.

One of the 2 photos that I had from 2015 in my G-drive :-)

It was the day when JEE Mains result was to be announced.

I was sitting on the staircase of my house.

I was thinking what if I didn’t make the cut-off.

Then one thought just jolted me - it was too scary to think.

I went along the tangent of…

“If I don’t qualify, I will have to go to a shitty college.

Going to a shitty college would mean getting a low package.

That would later translate to marrying a guy who’s also getting a low package.

I will never get rich and will be a failure. FML

I felt my heart sink.

I thought what was the use of standing first in class all these years when I couldn’t perform when it really mattered.

I was full of regret.
I wished I had studied seriously.
I could see my dreams crashing one after another.

It’s so vivid that I remember that sinking feeling even today.

(Will let you know the actual result in the next one)

Why am I telling you this story?

If thinking of failure and how your life will pan out is a nightmare in itself, imagine how a failed life will look like.

It’s a pretty grim picture.

Lying on your deathbed and thinking…

Damn, I wasted my life.
I could have done so much more with the potential that I had.
I wish I could get another chance to make it right.

The bad news is that you only have 1 life.
The good news is that you still have time.

Time to avoid this scenario.
Time to avoid a life full of regret.
Time to still make things right.

But on one condition…

You have to become a person who

Takes the right decisions.
Is surrounded with the right people.
Puts in the work required to make dreams a reality.

I want you to live a life that you dream of, so would like to re-emphasize my point with this quote so that it gets hammered down:

“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "It might have been.” ― Kurt Vonnegut

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


The difference between a winner and a loser - a true 🇨🇦 story


Beware: this is how a tough job market can make you your own enemy