Beware: this is how a tough job market can make you your own enemy

That one plant should be sown and another be produced cannot happen; whatever seed is sown, a plant of that kind even comes forth.
— Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Are you your friend or your enemy?

At first thought, no one would consider themselves to be their own foe.

But when the situation gets tough (the Canadian job market), it’s easy to become one.

The following 5 conversations will help you identify if you are your friend or enemy and how to act in your best favour:

❌ Enemy:I won’t get a job because I don’t have any work experience.”

✅ Friend: “There are many immigrants who were also freshers like me but they still got their field job.

What did they do that I am not doing?”

❌ Enemy: “I don’t have any referrals, that’s why I am not getting a job.”

✅ Friend: “There are many immigrants who didn’t know anyone in this new country but are not successful.”

Am I doing anything to create new connections or considering applying online?

❌ Enemy: “I clearly have the skillset as I have gotten 5 interviews so far. But they don’t select me as I am not White.”

✅ Friend: “There are so many Indian people in the corporate sector, so this must not be true.

How can I improve my interview skills so as to not waste these precious opportunities."

❌ Enemy: “I am not getting a job as I live in Alberta. Most of the job opportunities are in Toronto.”

✅ Friend: “Although there are fewer opportunities here but so is the competition.

I shouldn’t focus on these useless things but instead work on becoming a great candidate.

❌ Enemy:“The job market is tough right now. Getting a job these days is impossible.”

✅ Friend: “Yes, things are not the best but still I see plenty of people posting about their new jobs on LinkedIn.

I see many testimonials of Bani and Ishank’s career coaching mentees as well.

So, I need to focus on addressing what I am lacking and identify additional strategies that I can use to get a job.

Remember, you can be your biggest friend or foe.

Take accountability for your life as no one is going to suffer as much as you (& your parents) will if you don’t.

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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