Don’t make this mistake when choosing your career

Do not act as if you were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over you. While you live, while it is in your power, be good.
— Marcus Aurelius

When I was in grade 10, I was confused between taking up Medical v/s Non Medical.

When I was alone, I used to keep thinking about this.
When I was with people, I used to bring this topic up.

Basically, my life back then was a big confusion!

But I had to take a decision…

I thought I won’t like the negativity and grim atmosphere of hospitals.

I loved Maths.

So, I chose Non-Medical.

But my confused mind wouldn’t let me stop thinking about the other side.

So, one day, I chose to go to the biology class.

I was bored and knew I had made the right decision lol.

The lesson here is…

The worst decision is the one where you don’t take any decision!

You have to get out of your head and actually do the thing to know if that would work out for you or not.

This applies to choosing your

  • career

  • the city you want to live in

  • the guy/girl that you are thinking of dating

If you’re not making a decision, you’re wasting your time without getting any new information!

The best thing that can happen is that it turns out to be the right one.
The worst thing that can happen is that you learn that it’s not for you or learn some lessons from it.

Not bad, right?

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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