2 minutes and a $100K offer letter

Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.
— Seneca

Let’s play a small game!

What’s your biggest expense in life?

A) House
B) Degree
C) Fancy Vacation

If you chose any of the above options, unfortunately, your answer is incorrect.

Surprised? I was too when I got aware of this concept.

Your biggest expense is ignorance tax (opportunity cost of not knowing a certain thing)

Let me explain with an example…

When Joseph, our mentee, came to us, he was making $50K.
We were shocked as he had great experience from India.

He deserved more.
Once we took a look at his resume, we knew what the problem was.

He was underselling himself.
We recommended to change his designation titles in accordance with the Canadian terminology.

One small tweak (took less than 2 minutes) and bam…
He started getting interviews for senior roles.

Fast forward to 2.5 months, he got a $100K OTE Sales role!

He was making $50K less all this time just because he didn’t know the correct terminology. That’s ignorance tax for you.

But it wasn’t his fault as we don’t know what we don’t know!

But he had us to point him in the right direction.
Even at times he didn’t believe in himself, he knew that we were rooting for him and were there to remind him that he deserved more!

This is just 1 example! Through our career coaching, our mentees escape the ignorance tax in several ways:

  • They get to know new ways of applying for jobs.

  • They finally get the guidance on what role to apply for.

  • They get to know the interview mistakes that they weren’t even aware they were making!

Think of it…

Knowing just one new thing can change your life!

Your life can be completely different 3 months from now.
It can be a life without worry, fear and frustration.
A life that you dreamed of when you came to Canada.

So, seek knowledge and implement it!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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