You need to start thinking like this to land your dream job

Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.
— Marcus Aurelius

At the age of 24, I thought that I wanted to be ultra rich by 30.

But I was taking it slow.
I thought I had a lot of time - 6 long years!

On top of that, I didn’t even quantify what amount of money will make me rich. And is just rich enough? What about a fulfilling life?

The problem was…

I wasn’t thinking like a millionaire.
I wasn’t taking big enough risks.
I wasn’t chasing a better opportunity vehicle.

Despite all this, I thought that when I approach 30, I will be automatically rich lol.
Such a stupid thought, right?

One year later, I turned 25 and to my dismay, life didn’t change much.
That is when it struck me like a lightning bolt!

If I don’t start working towards my goals now, years will keep passing by me.
I will not be able to achieve my full potential and will then regret it later.

This thought horrified me.
I cried thinking what if I ended up living a mediocre life.
A life that I never wanted to live but had to live just because I came in my own way.

That’s when a sense of urgency crept in…

I realized no one is going to hand me a magic wand a day before turning 30.

Only if I start working actively and strategically TODAY that I will achieve my goals by then.

So, I tapped into that feeling of urgency.
I started working smart. And hard.

I quit my boring Project Leader job.
I got a govt. job in Social Media Marketing and quit that too.
I took a risk and became a full-time entrepreneur.
I took my health and nutrition seriously.

I’m finally living the life that I dreamt of!

There are 2 important lessons from this story…

1.Days go slow, years go fast.
If you don’t take action now, you won’t get the results that you want in the future.

You won’t realize how those 6, 10, 30, and 50 years will pass by you in the blink of an eye.
The only thing left would be regret and a feeling of letting yourself down.

2.Once you get serious, it doesn’t take long to change your life.
What I thought would take 5 or 10 years, happened in under 2 years!

Once people know this, everyone wishes they had taken control of their life sooner.

So, here’s a reminder for you: Don’t delay pursuing good things in your life.
Get started today!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


2 minutes and a $100K offer letter


This is the sole reason you are not getting your field job