Are you making these top 5 resume mistakes?

Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.
— Jerzy Gregorek

I have reviewed several 100s of resumes. I see people making a lot of mistakes but here are the top 5 that I would recommend you to steer clear of if you want to land an interview:

  • Don’t write a novel: If you’ve less than 5 years of experience, keep your resume to 1 page. HRs will thank you! Also, don’t go for shortcuts like reducing the font size to an ant size 8. It will do you more harm than good.

  • Don’t write job responsibilities: Everyone knows the JD of a certain role. The purpose of your resume is to reflect what YOU did in that role! So, make sure you highlight the impact that was created as a by-product of your work! Add your KPIs. Quantify your achievements.

  • Don’t put the least important stuff as the first bullet point: Don’t have ‘Managed 50 invoices on a daily basis’ as your first point! The bullet points under your work ex should follow descending order of impact. Most important points should be at the top.

  • Don’t put irrelevant stuff on your resume: If you are applying for a tech sales role, adding your coding projects to the resume is useless and waste of precious space.

  • Please don’t submit a badly formatted resume: First impressions matter. Make sure that you resume has a consistent font, font size, well defined sections and is symmetrical to look at.

To check if your resume is good or not, do a role reversal.

Think of yourself as the HR. Ask yourself, “Would I select this resume?”

You will be surprised that you will yourself find flaws in your resume if it’s not good enough!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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