This is the sole reason you are not getting your field job

More is lost by indecision than wrong decision.
— Marcus Tullius Cicero

I got serious about my physical fitness 3 months ago when I hired a personal trainer.

I started doing weight training 3x/week.
The only time I missed a session was when I was out of town.

Still, the results were the opposite of what I expected.

A few weeks in…
My weight increased.
My body fat % went up and the muscle mass went down!

I was a little disappointed.
But I stayed consistent, knowing that it takes time.

2 weeks later, I stepped on their special weighing machine.
I was excited to know the new stats from my trainer.
Sadly, the excitement was shortlived.

I had gained even more weight.
My body fat % still didn’t go down!

I was sad as I thought I was doing all the right things:

  • Eating home cooked meals

  • Eating from outside just once a month

  • Going on long walks and taking care of my daily steps

Except the most important one…

I wasn’t having enough protein in my diet.

The worst part is that I knew this all along.
”Protein is important for muscle growth.”

But I ignored it.
Ignored the fact that I needed to increase my protein intake, now that I was working out.

It had been more than 1.5 months since I started working out.
Sure, I was lifting heavier than when I started.
But the result that mattered wasn’t there.

I was embarrassed for not taking enough protein.
So, I started taking a protein shake in the morning and eating protein rich meals.

2 weeks in, it was measurement time again.
I stepped on the scale.
My trainer did some calculations.

I awaited the result with hope in my eyes.
He came smiling to me “Bani, your body fat is down by .3% and muscle mass is up by 7 pounds.”

Finally, I was getting the results that I wanted!

There’s an important lesson from this story.

Achieving a goal is like finishing a puzzle.
Even if most pieces are in place, if one is missing, the puzzle isn't complete.

Similarly, to see the results you want, you must address every aspect of the process, including any limiting factors.

Let’s take the example of job hunt.
If you double down on applying to jobs because you are getting rejected in interviews, that’s wrong.

You will still not get a job as your problem is not “not getting an interview” but “clearing the interview”.

So, even if you do everything else right - have a solid skillset, a crisp resume, consistency in applying, you won’t get a job unless you focus on getting better at interviews!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


You need to start thinking like this to land your dream job


You don’t need discipline to get your field job