You don’t need discipline to get your field job

When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love…
— Marcus Aurelius

My cousins came to visit me at the start of this year.

My eyes lit up with joy when I saw the pack of Lindt chocolates that they got for me.

Who doesn’t love chocolates, right?

At the same time, I knew excess sugar is bad.

So, I used this method to prevent finishing that entire pack in 1 week!

I kept the chocolates in one of the upper cabinets in the kitchen.

Out of sight, out of mind!

Along with that, I got a fruit basked and placed it in full visibility on my kitchen island.

Here’s what happened…

It took me 3+ months to finish that pack of chocolates (even after giving a few pieces to my neighbour)!

You would be surprised to know that on most days, I didn’t even remember I had chocolates in my home!

No chocolates meant no craving.
Instead my focus shifted to having fruit as it was placed prominently in my kitchen and I saw it every time I passed it.

Had those chocolates been on my kitchen island, I would have had to practice self-restraint.

But once you…

See chocolates 10 times a day
Sa no to eating those 10 times a day

Your power to restrain goes down and it gets hard the 11th time.
You eventually give in and eat those damn chocolates!

There’s an important lesson from this story.

Discipline is overrated.
Environment is underrated.

Even a person with less discipline can thrive if the environment is good!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


This is the sole reason you are not getting your field job


Read this if you think you wasted 30 lakhs coming to Canada