Read this if you think you wasted 30 lakhs coming to Canada

Any person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.
— Epictetus

When I came to Canada in 2019, I didn’t get a part-time job until after 2 months of searching for it.
↳ But I saw YT videos of people getting it within 7 days of landing in Canada.

Like many immigrants, I finally got one at Tim Hortons.
But this happiness was short-lived.

COVID struck.
They closed that Tim Hortons.
I was jobless.

I wasn’t eligible for CERB.
I was making $0 and was dependent on my GIC.

↳ But I saw many people getting $2000 for FREE from the government.

Once the situation was a little better,
I got another part-time job.

But my degree was coming to an end.
So, I had to quit as I was no longer eligible to work until I applied for my work permit.
↳  But I saw many people who had worked even when they were not eligible and had no legal problems later.

My GIC was running out.
If I didn’t have a job in <1 month, I would have to ask my parents for money.
I didn’t want to as we already had a huge loan going on.

Although I didn’t want to apply for my work permit until I had my field job in hand
(1 year Master’s degree meant a short 1 year work permit)
I was forced to do so to be able to work part-time to earn money.

I got one at Toys R Us after giving resumes at multiple places.
After working there for 1-2 months, I got my field job in Canada despite having no prior work ex.
👩🏻💻Project Leader at the largest Canadian-owned pharma company.

I was one of the first few people in my class to get a field job.
↳ Others were still looking for one and working part-time jobs or getting money from home.

I didn’t have the first, second, or even the third laugh.
But I had the best one when I got my field job.

The lesson here is…

You might be looking at other people who are ahead of you right now…

- Someone born to rich parents.
- Someone who got their first part-time job in just 7 days.
- Someone who already has their PR when you aren’t even eligible right now.

But remember, life is not just 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, or even 1 decade.
It’s your entire lifespan.

Today, you might be behind on the racetrack.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t emerge as the winner tomorrow.

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


You don’t need discipline to get your field job


How your friends are keeping you jobless and broke