Our mentees who did this in their interview got hired!

While we wait for life, life passes.
— Seneca

Ninja, this must have happened with you:

After applying to 100s of jobs…

One random day, you check your email and your eyes light up as you see the word “Interview” in the subject line!

After this interview, your life can go in either direction…

1. You get rejected after the interview and you continue feeling

  • Stuck in a dead-end minimum-wage job.

  • Frustrated seeing your potential go to waste.

  • Guilty that you’re not being able to give back to your parents.

2. It can be your ticket to getting out of your minimum-wage job.

With all this at stake, you don’t want to mess it up.

You need to put your best foot forward to nail it and today’s tip is just that…

If you are the type of person who wants to give it your all, you’ll love this way to stand out in the interview and get chosen over other candidates.

Make a Power Point Presentation highlighting your value to the company.

You can be creative with it but definitely put these 3 slides on there:

  • About You: Highlight in 2-3 sentences what unique value proposition you bring to the table.

  • Achievements: Depict your top 3 accomplishments (you can quantify those by including your KPIs)

  • Core Competencies: Highlight your top strengths or processes that you are competent in (examples: Agile Methodology, Financial Modelling, Technical Writing, etc.)

    Show proof of evidence by mentioning the projects that you have done leveraging these.

At the start of the interview, let the hiring manager know that you’ve prepared something and would like 5 minutes to present that.

Our mentees across different fields have leveraged this and have received great feedback & of course: the offer letter that changed their life!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


How your friends are keeping you jobless and broke


Don’t make this interview mistake