Don’t make this interview mistake

I judge you unfortunate because you have never lived through misfortune. You have passed through life without an opponent—no one can ever know what you are capable of, not even you.
— Seneca

I’ve taken 100s of mock interviews and find many people making this mistake while answering interview questions.

You’re doing it wrong if you are not mentioning the most relevant pointers at the start of your answer!

Let me explain with an example:

Q. Tell me about yourself. (interviewing for a Business Analyst role)
A1: Starting from my educational qualification, I have my PGDM in International Business…

NO! Please don’t do this.

If you have experience, this is not the most impactful opening line.
If you have no experience but just projects, even then this is not the one.
If you have no experience & no projects, then you are targeting the wrong role!

Back to the correct way of answering it:

Q. Tell me about yourself. (you have experience)
A2: I have 2+ years of experience as a Business Analyst with expertise in…

Q. Tell me about yourself. (you don’t have experience but have worked on projects)
A3: I've always been drawn to the intersection of data and business strategy. I've actively pursued projects where I've applied analytical techniques to solve real-world business challenges, making me skilled in SQL, Tableau, Power BI……….

Now, tell me, will A2 or A3 increase your chance of getting hired or the weak opening line in A1?

A1 is telling nothing about your ability to be a good Business Analyst!
A2 and A3 are directly hitting it on the point!

Remember, the most important and relevant information should come first.

All the best!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


Our mentees who did this in their interview got hired!


This is how your past is preventing you from getting your field job