How to land your field job in this tough job market

Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.
— Marcus Aurelius

Hello Ninja,

Today’s concept from Stoicism will let you know if your current actions are going to make you successful or not.

You always have 2 choices in life…

Blame your lack of success on things that are outside your control.

  1. Know the difference between what you can and cannot control and focus all your efforts on what’s within your circle of control.

Let’s take the example of job hunt…

There are certain things that you can’t control:

  • More demand and less supply of jobs

  • More experienced candidates interviewing for the same role

  • A hiring manager who is biased towards people from a certain background

Worrying or blaming these factors is never going to change your life.

It’s actually going to harm you as adopting this mindset means that you become a puppet.

A puppet who dances to the tunes of the job market.
You give your power away.

But if you choose to be the person who focuses on what’s inside the circle…

You reclaim your power to change your life!

You put your focus where it should be:

  • Developing relevant skills

  • Getting serious about your job hunt

  • Reflecting on your areas of improvement

This is one of the many mindset concepts that we teach in our career coaching. We believe…

When you think right, you act right.
When you act right, your life changes for the better!

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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