Resume tips to help you land your field job as a fresher

It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.
— Seneca

If your resume only has your education and some part-time work experience, it’s not going to cut it.

Also if it’s just half a page, it’s not going to create a good impression.

Let’s see how you can add relevant experience even if you don’t have any work-ex.

Add these 3 things to revamp your resume:

Academic Projects: You must have done some projects, either standalone ones or something for your assignment. Highlight the key skills that you leveraged while working on those.

Volunteer Work: If you volunteered back in India and that had segments of your target role, add that to your resume.

Capstone Project: Many universities/colleges have a project that involves solving a real world problem for a start-up client. This experience is gold as you can also showcase the results that you yielded the client.

How to implement it in your life?

  • Reflect: Recall any projects or volunteer work that you can highlight.

  • What to do if you have none?

    Start doing projects. You can find plenty simply Googling. Another hack is to get a volunteer position. Since these are not paid, it’s way easier to land one and helps you add work ex to your resume.

  • How to add it to your resume?

    If you did a capstone project with a client, that can be added under work experience. For volunteer work and academic projects, you can make separate sections. Write the position or the project name, and then add bullet points just like you would for work ex.

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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