Are you making this mistake?

No loss should be more regrettable to us than losing our time, for it’s irretrievable.
— Zeno

Ninja, have you heard of the “Big Rocks, Pebbles and Sand” concept?

It goes like this…

If you take a jar and fill in the pebbles or the sand first, all your big rocks won’t fit the jar.

But if you fill in the big rocks first, then the pebbles and even the sand will fit around them.

The jar is your life and the rocks are the tasks that you have to do.

If you are in the “applying to jobs” phase of your life, it can look like this for you:

Big Rocks: Job applications, exercise, calling your family, part-time job
Pebbles: Quality time with friends, cooking at home, your hobby
Sand: Watching Netflix, Instagram, Going for drinks

If you find yourself not getting any time to apply for jobs, then you are doing the mistake of filling your day with the not so important tasks (pebbles and sand) first. You may be idling away on IG, spending time outside, sleeping till late, etc.

Solution: Time block your calendar with the most important tasks scheduled first (big rocks), and then what’s left can be used for the not-so important ones. (pebbles and sand).

Example: You don’t watch Netflix until you have applied to x jobs.

Remember, we humans have the power to justify almost everything. So, don’t fall in the trap of justifying not applying to jobs because of lack of time.

The main reason is your lack of prioritization.

No one is going to come save you or magically create more time.

Ninja, own your success—it's in your hands.

Keep Blooming,
Bani Singh


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